Do any of these sound like your relationship?

  • You or your partner don’t communicate with honesty or respect
  • You or your partner have had a betrayal of trust
  • You live like roommates rather than lovers
  • You feel isolated and alone
  • You stay together only because of your children
  • You’d love a wonderful life together & want to improve the relationship, but feel stuck
Consider that it’s TIME for couples counseling!

I Support Couples

Two smiling persons sitting on the sofa, enjoying, glad that their relationship has been improved after couples therapy in Florida with Carla Barrow.

Whether you are …

● Swimming in a sea of negativity

● Drowning in insults and arguments

● Broken by the shock and trauma of an affair

● Hanging by a thread, unsure whether to stay or go

● Or just looking to build a life together on a solid foundation

I can help you repair ruptures, restore your WE-ness, and start anew.

Benefits of Couples Therapy & Premarital Counseling

• Learning More About Each Other. Discover differences once overlooked earlier in your relationship as you grow in commitment.

We’ll use The Gottman Relationship Checkup, a clinical tool automatically providing valuable clinical information about the status of your relationship with actionable, research-based recommendations.

• Confronting Challenges Head-On. Identify your conflict and escalation styles to learn communication with more safety and balance in the relationship.

I provide psycho-education and practice core skills such as: Listening and Relaxing, The Four Horsemen and their Antidotes, The Aftermath of a Regrettable Incident,  and Dreams Within Conflict. I integrate practices from EFT-for-Couples, Mindfulness, Hypnosis, DBT Skills, or other evidence-based modalities.

• Making Plans for the Future. Create a clear vision of what you want your future to be as individuals, as a couple, and as a family unit.

We will discuss your individual goals and dreams, and how you can combine these to create a future where both of you reach your potential in and outside of the relationship.

• Dealing with the past. The impact of trauma can deeply affect the intimate dance between life partners.

Our approach to couples therapy is grounded in a trauma-informed perspective, recognizing the profound influence that past experiences can have on the present. By creating a safe and supportive environment, we help couples navigate through the complexities of their individual histories and shared experiences. In the event that one partner’s trauma is interfering with the progress of couples therapy, individual EMDR or hypnosis sessions may be recommended to help re-create a sense of internal safety. 

Can Therapy for Affair recovery Actually help us?

It’s important to note: the process of recovering from an affair can sometimes be a long and difficult one. It’s normal for couples to experience ups and downs along the way.

Not all couples make it, but I’m here to provide a supportive and non-judgmental space to explore your emotions, and work through the challenges so each partner can heal and rebuild their relationship, or find ways to move on.

I recommend couples learn to soothe themselves and each other to tolerate intense pain arising from betrayal, to learn mindful communication skills, and to manage their emotions and reactions to begin rebuilding a sound relationship.

To see how I incorporate DBT Skills into couples therapy,  read here.

Will you pressure us to stay together? 

As your affair recovery therapist, I have no agenda of how your relationship needs to go after an affair. I have treated couples who decided to stay together, and others who have decided to separate or divorce. Rather than presume to be the expert on your life, I help you reach consensus on what you want and provide valuable support and guidance to get you there.

Recovering from an affair does not happen overnight. The betrayer will earn reconnection one step at a time, usually with better results when they open up candidly and take ownership for what happened.  

For more on how I work with Affair Recovery using Atone, Attune, Attachread here

Premarital Couples therapy & Pre-nuptial Agreements

As a former financial/bankruptcy lawyer trained in the basics of Collaborative Divorce , I assist clients struggling to manage family finances and goals. Together we can negotiate issues such as pre-nuptial agreements, blending families and conscious de-coupling.

• Pre-Marital LicensingIn Florida, pre-marital counseling may enable you to receive a discount in the cost of your marriage license and reduce the time frame within which you can consummate your vows.

I utilize my specialized training in the Seven Principles of Marriage course by the Gottman Institute, so clients receive evidence-based training at this important stage of life.

If you or your organization are interested in this training in a group or workshop,  contact me here.

Is Couples Therapy Right for You?

Do you want to Feel Valued, Heard, & Connected to your partner?

Do you need a Supportive Environment to Talk without fighting?

We’ll Work Together To Improve Your Relationship With Each Other For The Long-Haul.

Whether addressing small issues or potentially relationship-breaking challenges, we use evidence-based therapy to build trust and help you find your way back to one another.

Let’s work together!