Do you feel heavy with despair, struggling each day to keep your head just above the darkness and dread?

Does it take every ounce of energy to stay afloat?

Or are you feeling overwhelmed by feelings of helplessness and hopelessness?

If this sounds familiar, I want you to know you are not alone and there is help.

While it may seem difficult to find your way back to hope and happiness, I’ve been helping clients to personally do just that for years. To experience the joy of warm sunshine on their face, to reconnect with estranged loved ones, and to re-engage with a meaningful life.

Just like other chronic illnesses, depression is not your fault, it’s nothing you’ve caused. And also like many other illnesses, effective treatments exist to help ease and eliminate the struggles you face.

SUpport for Depression is Available

Depression can be approached in a number of ways, and no one approach is the same for each client.  Research demonstrates that movement and exercise can positively impact clients with depression. So too can DBT Skills  and using targeted treatments like EMDR and hypnosis.

Join DBT Skills Group

My ongoing  DBT Adult Skills Group provides not only skills for mindfulness, emotion regulation, distress tolerance and interpersonal effectiveness, but also provides participants with social support and normalization.

Consider EMDR or Hypnosis treatments

Depression is often a co-occurring disorder in individuals experiencing the impact of trauma. EMDR therapy and hypnosis treatments offer a way to target and replace specific memories or unhelpful beliefs.

So if you’ve said or thought these things a lot recently…

“I’m too tired to try.”
“Why am I always crying?”
“I don’t want to leave home.”
“I don’t care anymore.”
Or even…“I wish I wasn’t here.”
…There are proven steps and therapies that have been shown to result in remarkable relief. To bring you hope, help and a way forward.

If you’d like to take the first steps to start feeling better, please contact me today for an appointment.

Let’s work together!