Trust is a vital component of any healthy and thriving relationship. Without trust, it can be difficult for couples to feel secure and connected to each other. Unfortunately, trust issues are all too common in relationships, and they can be extremely challenging to navigate.

There are many different trust issues that couples may face, but some of the most common ones include:

  1. Infidelity: One of the most common trust issues that couples face is infidelity. When one partner is unfaithful, it can be devastating to the other partner and can lead to a significant breakdown of trust.
  2. Lack of transparency: Another common trust issue is a lack of transparency in the relationship. When one partner is not honest or open about their actions or thoughts, it can be difficult for the other partner to trust them.
  3. Differences in values: Trust can also be damaged when couples have significant differences in values or goals. For example, if one partner values honesty and integrity, but the other is prone to lying or manipulating the truth, it can be difficult for the first partner to trust the second.
  4. Lack of communication: Trust can also be damaged when couples have poor communication skills. When partners are not able to effectively communicate with each other, it can be difficult for them to understand each other’s perspectives and needs, leading to a breakdown of trust.
  5. Lack of emotional support: When one partner feels unsupported or neglected by the other, it can be difficult for them to trust that their partner has their best interests at heart. This can lead to feelings of isolation and disconnection in the relationship.

How Therapy Helps Couples With Trust Issues

A couples therapist can be a helpful guide to partners seeking to reconnect and regain trust. As a licensed marriage and family therapist with a long history as an attorney, I have skills and training that help the partners navigate the thorny issues and rebuild trust in their relationships. As a trained professional, I guide couples through the process of repairing trust and strengthening their relationships.

Safe and Nonjudgmental Space. One of the ways that we can help couples with trust issues is by providing a safe and non-judgmental space for them to talk about their concerns and feelings. Until you feel safe enough to open up, therapy won’t budge. But therapists can help couples to better understand each other’s perspectives and needs, and to communicate more effectively with one another.

Tools and Interventions. Another way that we can help couples is by providing them with tools and strategies for rebuilding trust. This might include helping them to set healthy boundaries, establish clear communication guidelines, and work on forgiveness and rebuilding trust. Yes, I give homework but no, clients don’t always do it. In my experience, those that follow through get better results more quickly.

Identify Negative Patterns and Reconstruct Positive Ones. Therapy can also help couples to identify any underlying issues or patterns that may be contributing to their trust issues.

Foster Transparency. For example, if a lack of transparency is causing problems in the relationship, we explore the root causes of this behavior and work on ways to improve honesty and openness. In addition to these specific strategies, Therapy also provides the parties more general support and guidance as they work to rebuild a sound relationship. Indeed, the path to trust includes finding ways to better understand and manage emotions, cope with stress, and build a stronger and more resilient relationship.


Ultimately, rebuilding trust in a relationship is not always easy, but it is possible with the right support and guidance. If you and your partner are struggling with trust issues, consider seeking the help of a qualified therapist.

I welcome the opportunity to be of service, and if you need to work to repair your relationship and build a stronger, more trusting and fulfilling partnership, please call me for a free 15-minute consultation, at 954.247.8120, or by reaching me at



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